The Forgotten Tree–

The Tree Planted Seasons Ago

How wonderful, that most trees you plant, you water for a few weeks, and once it’s found its grounding—once it’s a bit secure, God does the rest.

It grows; it drinks rain water; it feeds itself—it only needs the sunlight; it bears fruit; it scatters its seeds. 

There are things, trees in your life, that you planted long ago that, in this season, will suddenly spring up with new life. They will come to your attention because they are now bearing fruit. You will be surprised at all the fruitfulness of your life now, for you even forgot you planted this particular tree. You’ll see it, and be so glad you did.

Keep planting, keep watering, keep harvesting–if you do not give up, you will reap a harvest thirty, sixty, hundredfold. (Mark 4:20).


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