Poet For Pearls…

A place housing poetry & prayers.

A place where imagination is safe.

A place where God can dwell.

…a place for the heart to encounter art, script, & music which seeks to gift a portal to a landscape far beyond for discovery of unique treasure.

This is a community.

Submit content ideas & food for fodder

What’s on your heart? What are you wondering about? Seeking God about? Exploring? Curious about?

Inquire about crafted prayer,custom poetry commissions,or meet Maggie.

Poems, Prayers & All the things

“Come, glorify the Lord with me; let us exalt His name together.” Psalm 34:3

New Book Release from Maggie

Sacred Portals is a book of prayer and poetry for those who are hungry to open their hearts to beauty. It seeks to give invitations to the reader for crafting their own space of honest, authentic communion with God.

A place where

imagination is safe