A Place of Prayer

To contemplate and explore possibility with God

“Man does not live on bread alone

but on every word from his Father in heaven.”

—Matthew 4:4

Daily Bread

Liminal Space

Blessings For The Slow

Waiting. Psalm 131

New Book Release from Maggie

Sacred Portals is a book of prayer and poetry for those who are hungry to open their hearts to beauty. It seeks to give invitations to the reader for crafting their own space of honest, authentic communion with God.

You will be like a tree planted by streams of water which yields its fruit in season and whose leaf does not wither— whatever they do prospers.” —Psalm 1:3

And occasionally, something that isn’t a poem, prayer, or Scriptural pondering…

2024 Communication Hacks In a Sea of Superfluous Words: 

A Place of Compassion and Encouragement

for Stewardship in a


“Whenever you’re stuck

between a rock

and a hard place,

there’s always a 3rd,

Holy Spirit-option.”