The Room Created by You

Your response matters.

You’re in this room

Your opinion is felt

Your take is enough

To stir someone else

To make an agreement,

A smile between you

So comment

Remind folks you’re here

We care what you think

Your unique take

If there’s something that 

Strikes your heart

We want to know

You might notice 


None of the rest of us


We want to know 

What you find beautiful

What gives you pause

What creates a question

Or scratch on the head

We want to know 

What blesses your soul

So we can make more of that

Don’t hold back

Your view matters

Here in this room 

You’re creating the landscape 

Yes, of social media

It’s true 

It’s not just “made by the masses”

You are here too.

You make the room 

Feel the way it does

This room is created by you.


Stop Shoulding On Yourself

