I Pray My Mirrors Wouldn’t Lie To Me

I pray my mirrors wouldn’t lie to me

They say the truth will set you free

May I see only what You see

When You look at me

The Kind One

The One who doesn’t lie

But sees the beauty 

And prunes the rest

May I agree with every thought

You have about me

They say they outnumber

The sands on the seashore

I pray that what I see

Is right, noble, lovely 

Good, true, pure…

May my eyes be washed

From the mess

Of this world 

I pray I listen to the story 

That only You tell

That my ear doesn’t even catch

That enemy tale

The one the world says about me

Where I’m bad,


Need to hide



Not worth saying more 

About that–

I pray I sense the higher things

The things above the stench

The smoke—smog

Of incense 

May I breathe

Until my whole being

Is filled with Thee

I pray my hands 

Touch to make

What improves



His original intent

Cleaning and clearing

Away the rest

And would we taste

The sweetness

You made

When You chose to make honey

Although it may be hid 

In a rock

Some mysteries

Actually reveal themselves 

May we taste 

And see

Only what is helpful

For praising 

May Irenaeus’ words ring true: 

That God glorified 

Would make us fully come alive




“What Only I Have The Grace To Endure…”