Thoughts On The Goodness of Limitations & Capacity
This was written in 2021 but it resurfaced today as a prompting was acknowledged to worship God for the goodness of capacity and limitations…enjoy!
“Moved by Delight”
What if we lived in a world in which everyone was moved by delight? How would this look?
What if life was a navigation into the waters of delight?
What if I moved with delight in the small decisions? In the large decisions? Where would I be headed? What would my body feel? My heart? My mind? I imagine honor—an unburdened people.
What if we saw this on a national level? On a global level?
Oh that I could claim delight in the things I have yet to know! I could be limitlessly delighted. The world’s delight would be as limitless to me.
Where would I start? This brings me to the point—the goodness of limitedness.
Our limitedness shows us where to begin. It’s the opening to a door which then invites us to collaborate with the delights of others. Our limitedness makes us a communal people.
A prayer to be moved by delight:
Connect us to our own hearts that we may know that we were created for the freedom of delight. Show us the goodness of our limitedness this day. Point us in the direction of where to collaborate with and to connect to the puzzle piece of someone else’s delight.
This piece evokes a remembrance that in our culture, it’s easy to worship comfort and to think that a life with Jesus is always delightful. What if we could also delight in suffering? The Apostle Paul suggests to us that even in prison, we can experience worship. I think worship is one of the places where delight is limitless to us…that is, if we are graced with the gift of it.