Severe Mercy

“Chronic pain,” they say.

What if there’s something far

More glorious going on?

What if the Lord is

“Training your hands for war?”

What if you’re having wild


Through the pain?

Is it worth the trade?

Are they mutually exclusive?

What if your superpower

Is being built right here?

What if God ordained

This challenge?

You’re under His loving thumb

His loving hand

Won’t let go

Until this severe mercy

Has birthed all

The glory

He planned for you.

What if this crown of thorns

Buys you an inheritance

As king of the nations


You’ll forget

And be in all

Your glory

And success

You’ll look back

One day

To the water

You let under

That bridge

And thank it

For propelling


Right into your dreamland kind of intimacy


How about you just pay the dentist first?


Good Use of A Pocket