Portion Control

It’s no surprise 

To state

That Americans 

Have problems with


Life-size me,

Get the deal,

More is more,

Maximize it

Maybe instead of

A parasite cleanse

I just want to know that

Adding bitters to the body

Can be a loving way 

Of aiding it to do its job

Of ridding 

Other things

Maybe instead of chugging lemon water in the morning

Or drinking more than 8 cups a day 

I just want to drink when I feel thirst

And maybe that’s enough.

Maybe I don’t want 

“Optimal” everything

I just want 


And a little bit of goodness

My portion 

And my cup

Maybe I just want a snack?

A nap

A bit of this 

And a bit of that

Maybe coffee won’t

Harm my adrenals 

If it’s in a tiny cup

Maybe we’ve lost 


For delights

Because they’re far too little

We miss them

While constantly looking for 

Lifestyle shifts


And New Years


Maybe if we 

Listen to our bodies

They’ll spit 

Some wisdom back 

At us 

Just a bit–

Just enough now 

To digest 

Maybe if 

I’m hungry 

I’ll want to eat a lot

And if I’m not 

I won’t

And that’s that.

Big problems here

With “so much”


Becoming a burden

Time to go live with those

That are trying to eat

At all.




Training Our Affections