
get me out 

no one knows 

but her

how does she know

she can’t possibly 


but I can see it 

in her stare

in her knowing 


in the fervor 

of her countenance 

she sees within 


which scares me

to death 

can I pretend 

she isn’t there

how could anyone 

call this beloved?

but there she is again 

coming back for more

for one more listen to my song 

for one more singalong 

for one more stare

into my soul 

I don’t dare 

ask her what 

she knows 

from the King

I can barely 

bare the stare

that I secretly,


want her to share

to linger with me

in the dark

one second longer

before I get well

before we make way

for the children

do the work

to tarry 

one more moment 

in lock-stare

through it all

that’s my beloved

Don’t we all just truly want a love that goes with us to the bottom? Just being there. No expectation to get somewhere? Just to sing along with our sad song? Until we’ve had enough

Until it’s time to triumph

Until it’s time to get up and do the work

Until we have the capacity to go on

Don’t we all just want someone who’s willing to sit along— not rushing us on our journey,

but deeply, honestly abiding?

Someone who will walk with us at our own pace

Bearing with our soul

Until we’re ready to be cheered on

Until we’re ready to make something of ourselves

But don’t we all just want someone who loves and accepts us for who we are?

No conditions

Only full acceptance of everything we are

Not hoping we’ll change

Be better 

Or graduate

Or even escalate 

Just someone who is willing to remain

With us through the hard parts

Willing to be perplexed 

Just as perplexed as us 

Someone who will look at it all

And not look for more

Someone who will see every scar

Every mark 

And say, “You’re beautiful.”

Someone who’s not looking at our “potential”

But who sees us for who we really are 

And is mesmerized 


Wondering if we’re really real

Their other half



Why we’re made 

Just this way 

With design


Down to the flaw

Someone who’s fit for this walk with us

Someone who will lay there 

In the flower field 

And just look at the clouds 

Count the stars 

Be with us 

Through all the parts 

Maybe it’s just me

“No Place Better (Psalm 84)” by Caroline Cobb


Dream Yielding


Communion Was Enough