Practicing Faithfulness Can Be Such a *You Know What*

I wrote this to myself once when I was confronting the restlessness that I feel so acutely, so regularly. I haven’t regretted practicing faithfulness in the past but it can be a real *you know what* in real time when it hits the gut. Rationally, it tracks, practically…it hits different. I pray that as you read this, you breath a breathe of new found peace if there are any restless places you confront. May this poem find you at the right time. When everything is too slow, too boring, too frustrating…

To: my wanderlusts out here!



Starting note 🎶





Platform for play


Play place

Fenced-in yard

The place to spring from

The boundary-ed land

The place where a little secured craziness is okay

Adventure needs a platform

An anchor

Air balloons need baskets

And kites need strings

To all you wanderlusts out there–

(speaking to my people)

Sometimes a season in a playpen

Produces the security and maturity you need

To finally fly

When you’re wanting the wind to beckon you to move,

Yet the kite is on the ground,

No wind in sight—

Remember these words:

“He who is faithful with little will be faithful with much.” (Luke 16:10)

The Cornerstone will set you securely in place

To build in you

The stuff you need

(Even if it includes suffering)

To do the thing you were created to do.

Have patience and endure!


Reinventing The Sabbath


What’s Behind?