Look Again

Romans 8:6

The mind governed by the flesh is death, but the mind governed by the Spirit is life and peace.

What came to me when looking at this image was, “Look again.” What strikes me about these flowers is that they are not expected. Imaginably, some might not even find them beautiful at first glance at all. Look again. Look again. Look again. Often, when we look closer, we discover a treasure.

Romans 8:6 reminds us that the Holy Spirit of God, sent to give us a “new nature,” is the one giving the nature of life and peace. Our mind can be governed by Him—instead of the ideas of the culture, the world, or of death. So, if any of us subscribe to having your minds governed by Him, we may want to reflect a bit about His nature so we know what this governance will bring us.

He’s the same one that offers us to meditate on the lovely things. One of my absolute favorite encouragements is from Philippians 4:8,

Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things.

What? We don’t have to think on ugliness, death, destruction, fear, chaos, and war? I don’t think this suggests to go as far as to “ignore” those very real experiences…but to look again—to see something more, something beyond the rubble.

I’ve been experimenting with perspective the last few years. Just when I see something I deem ugly, or disturbing about a friend or loved one, I’ve been urging myself to, “Look again” and ask the Holy Spirit, the one who governs with life and peace, to show me what He sees. It’s often lovely…

If you can’t start with people, start with God’s creation in nature. After all, He made it, so there’s got to be some indelible beauty in it once we look past the brokenness…somewhere.


Psalm 139


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