May we see You clearly
May we walk in strength and power
May we not be consumedMay we have enough oil to bountifully give to others
May we rest in trust, knowing we’ll have enough, Oh All Sufficient One
May we not fear the terror of the night or the arrow that flies by day
May we believe You are at work in stunning ways
May we not feel alone but cradled by Your intimate love
May we know that You hear the rhythm of our hearts and Your love beats at just the same rhythm: not because it has to or it should, but because you want it to
May we embrace the nurture You’d like to give
May hope wrap us in a comfort so deep
May we trust that the pain we face has a purpose to heal, equip, give compassion on the deepest, darkest of days
As we go about our daily work, give us vigor, passion, and delight, as we rest in trust that it’s all beautifully significant in some sort of way–
in whatever way You decide.
Choose to steady us this day–we are nothing without You
You’re the breath we breathe.
You’re the energy to get up. To think. To feel
You’re the love that we cannot muster
You’re the clock lasting just a little longer
The depravity we feel only tells us our deep need of you, so may we be set in deep dependence that clarifies for us the majesty of your love and goodness once again.