Move Toward The Thing That Strikes You

I often use the turn of phrase with my students: “What strikes you?”

I love “strikes”—

It covers so much:

What excites

What stirs

What jumps out

What is highlighted

What perturbs

What moves you?

Pick anything you like!

It might be seen as vague

But oh, no!

It’s generous…letting your mind go where you ought…

What is being brought to the surface of your life?

Your mind?

Your project?

Your relationship?

Your heart?

How do we be with “now?”

How do we flow with the wind?

Pay attention to what’s moving within?

What a mystery!

I pray that as you pay attention to what strikes you…

You are led to new territory

You are led through challenge

In victory

You shed the “shoulds”

Or what others tell you to pay attention to

You listen to the still, small voice within

You are strengthened

You are delighted

You move out of who you are

You get in touch with the reality that can get lost down here

The one that makes you feel like who you are

The one that beckons you forward

To do the things that call to you

Being given all the tools you need

To succeed


With the wind behind you

Moving you forth

With ease

With grace,

The help you need

Be struck.


Where Are All The Friends?

