Liminal space

It didn’t used to feel like this–going from one thing to the next–head down, trudging on through, completing the day like a checklist.

Once the heart becomes open, it becomes rather sensitive in the liminal space–the space between. The heart needs recovery time from whom or what it has just encountered. It also needs preparation time.

At times, the phrase which seems best to describe the conundrum is: “whacked out” between spaces, not knowing the next scene of life is already being engaged. The next scene is still completely unknown…but the heart and body know. They do know.

The brain falls listlessly behind, panicking to catch up. There is no calendar. Only responsiveness to whatever life will bring next. This experience could even be described as being on “high alert.” Funny, how “presence” can feel utterly “off” until it is learned and embraced.

Before real living began, boredom was the closest parallel to draw to this unique phenomenon. What to focus on next? Why no movement? No answers come. There are no directives from above…yet…no incoming text messages–no strong impulses to move–no action to take. So, wait. Wait for the wind to change. 

While waiting, there might be perplexity, questioning, frustration, restlessness. 

Resisting twaddle, frenzy, frivolity, or remedy, the waiting continues. 

Surprise is found upon discovering the preciousness found here in the wait. Something is figured. Something is resolved. Something is prepared. Bandwidth is created. Strength rises. Rest is received. 

Dare resentment be placed on the liminal space! For this is where the capacity for LIFE is created inside. This is what the heart is open for–to be led.

If there is no space for the wind to blow, flying is not an option. 


Advent Liturgy