What If Love Was Infused?

What if love was infused?

What if the love you say is fake, false, made up, fickle, a dream…

What if it is real

Down here?

…but only if

Ushered in by the King?

What if He could re-infuse

The love that so easily


Could He show you how?

Could He show you what was meant 

When what was said

Seemed only to disappoint?

Could He instruct,

Tell us what to say,

To our love

So that they hear

What our hearts 

Yearn to say?

Could He show us 

How to reframe what was said 

In our brains?

Could He reveal what was 

…The original intent behind the words…

So that they were really one with 

His heart?

What if the things that have come out 


Black even—

The things that lack any vibrant color

On this earth,

Could all be re-seen?


Re-imagined by the King?

In us.

What if real, true love

Can actually be found

Down here?

What if we’ve disordered the loves,

So that

They come out mean?

But we can experience them again


What if marriage, friendship, family, parental love

(That already had its chance)

Can become a taste 

–In retrospect–

Of what we feel from


What if He could re-write all our memories?

Rather than comparing,

What if we received new eyes

New glasses

Ordering these loves

Just right?

Making the dead things 

Come alive.

So that technicolor 

Could still appear?

Down here—

It’s not too late!

Let’s give it a chance

Let’s ask and receive

Let’s re-imagine

What’s possible 

Down here

Let us take the tone of grace

He showed us

For ourselves

And see the world around us

First for beauty,

Instead of lack

First for fulfillment,

Instead of disappointment 

It really would be a miracle if we could…

But I know the King

And He’s a Miracle Worker…

What if what was as true as your


And pain 


Were as tangible as the truth

Of the answers 

You always

Dreamed to hear

And the salve 

That is

The miracle working kind? 

The answers and the salve

That change everything...


Finally “Crack The Code”

