Hot Air Balloons
For the dreamers, visionaries, and ones who believe
in something a little higher than here…
Hot air balloons
Deep disappointment
Descending again
Having been so high
So free
Not a care in the world—
Coming down
With each foot closer
The stomach drops
It lurches
To a—
Here we are
Back on earth
Hand back to
The plough
The freedom
The high places
Once so mysterious
Lifting me—
And here
Feet on the ground:
What meaning is there
Back down here?
Who will believe me?
Who will care?
About clouds
The higher things
The celestial city
The place
Of Kings
And royalty
And fancy things
Will it be believed?
Help them look up
From their rows
Of shovels
And dirt
Will hope be heard?
Will the esoteric
Down here?
Back to the mess…
With a song, and a twinkle
And a dream in my heart
That’s still real to someone down here…
If only me.