
Awake, I say!
Stand at attention.
Turn your ear to Me
& listen:

In these days of war
Your Commander
Needs full attention
Careful where you tread
You may only go
Where you’re assigned
To go—
This is not restraint.
This is protection.
Times are tight
The battle ground is fickle
The atmosphere
Is plagued
By enemy whispers
The spies
I assign
Will be fine
If they toe
The line
And are careful
To follow
The plan
Of their
Military Commander—
He stands at the door and knocks—
Will you listen?
You’ll be set
Under the shadow
Of His almighty wing
Stay in step.
There, you don’t even
Have to whisper
There, you are free
Speak as loud as you need,
But remember,
The times
The times of war
You cannot
Wherever you please.
You’re on assignment
For the winning team.
It is He
That will gently whisper:
Or there.”
Move delicately
To the sound
Of His voice
And stay hid,
In the territory
He already claimed
For you.


One More Time—

